Want to write better? I sure do. That's my resolution in 2015.
I first got to know my audience. A blog article needs to be written differently as compared to a GP Essay. On that note, blog articles need to have a catchy headline.
Great headlines follow sets of rules – they are compelling, specific, intriguing, and often follow sets of proven formula.
Quantifiable Lists
First up: Quantifiable lists headlines. These are getting rather popular, and I am sure you have seen them around. Here are three examples.
1. 5 Steps To Getting A Girlfriend
2. 10 Must Have Gadgets for your new Home
3. 5 Must Try Hipster Cafes in Singapore
The How to...
Following in a similar vein to the quantifiable list headlines are the catchy how to headlines. Readers are always drawn by solving problems and a how to headline is the perfect draw.
1. How To Cook the Perfect Steak
2. How to make your girlfriend parents like you
3. How not to screw up like Nokia
Target specific groups
Write focus group headlines. Humans are social beings and associate themselves with a certain class or group.
1. What Bloggers Need to Know about Wordpress
2. Online Shoppers Beware! Potential Scam Ahead!
3. 10 Life Changing Tips on being a Savvy Traveller
Case Study/Report Style Headlines
By using the phrase ‘Case Study’ or similar in your headlines, you add some street cred to your headlines - making it seem like it has been researched thoroughly (even if it hasn't).
Threat Headlines
Shocked your readers. People act on fear. You need to get under the skin of your readers, so that they are worried and would want to read more, hoping that it could solve their problems.
Actually, all these headline tactics are pretty much scammy in nature. I find them all a little cheesy. Yes, they might provide the initial hook but really, it all boils down to good quality content. There's just too much fluff around in the internet.
Have a blessed new year.
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