Starbucks Singapore: Double Points & Free Upsize This Weekend

For all Starbucks fans, try their latest offering: Caramel Ribbon Crunch and Mango Banana Frapp this weekend and walk away with a free upsize.

The Mango Banana sounds like the perfect drink for a hot sunny day. Perfect for summer time. Fresh Bananas are used for that extra goodness! But probably won't satisfy caffeine addicts. On the other hand, Caramel Ribbon Crunch sounds way too sweet though, here's the description: Coffee blended with four kinds of caramel, milk and ice topped with a layer of dark caramel sauce, whipped cream, caramel drizzle and crunchy sugar topping. Four kinds of caramel?! Sounds like a quick ticket to diabetes, haha... but nonetheless, check them out this Starbucks Promotion Weekend, and remember to ask for the free upsize!


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